Creative, challenging training

It's time to Tune In and take the spotlight...

Every presentation is an opportunity. An opportunity to influence, to persuade and to create a positive impact on your audience. It's the chance to state your case, stand up and be heard and, most importantly, put yourself in the spotlight.

Where else in life do people sit and listen without interrupting? Where else do you get the chance to express your views so openly?

Throw out the rulebook...

Tune In teaches delegates to be discerning about the rules they know and inquisitive about finding new ones that will work for them. They also learn that they can structure a great presentation around four simple foundations:

How can I say this my way?

Will what I'm saying be memorable?

Using stories to connect with my audience.

Structuring around a planned outcome.

Contact Two Bald Blokes

For more information please contact

Amanda Coulter
07831 600859